About us

Our story

Welcome to the Clinton County Republican Women’s club. We are a group of local women who are engaged in our community and who are committed to supporting Republican ideals.

Three Key Initiatives

Engagement: We pride ourselves in engaging with others in our community, for the greater good.

Education: We work to educate others on Republican ideals and initiatives, whether it be students, young Republicans, or civic and community groups throughout the county.

Empowerment: We recognize that women are energetic and capable leaders and make excellent candidates for political office. Therefore, we work to empower women who are considering a run for political office or who are already in office – through education, collaboration and mentorship.

Conservative History


Conversative Values


Local women who are engaged in our community and who are committed to supporting Republican ideals!

Meet Our Republican Women Leaders

Diane Rhonemus


Molly Campbell

Vice President

Brenda Woods


Tammy Maynard


Republican Resources


There are many benefits to joining our group. Meet and network with fellow Republican women, learn about volunteer opportunities in our community, gain insights from our elected leaders at both the local and state levels, hear speakers present on a variety of timely topics and most importantly, discover how you can help us uphold and carry out the Republican ideals that are so critical in today’s society.

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Scholarship Application

The Lois Allen Scholarship

The Lois Allen Scholarship is given annually by the Clinton County Republican Women’s Club (and previously the Wilmington Republican Women’s Club.)

This Scholarship Application requires that the Applicant must meet the following qualifications:

  • Must be a resident of Clinton County.
  • If age 18, must be a registered Republican in Clinton County. If you are not of voting age, then at least one of your parents or guardians must be a registered Republican in Clinton County, having voted as a Republican in the last Primary AND General Elections in Clinton County.
  • Must be a Senior graduating from a Clinton County School (including:  Wilmington HS, Clinton Massie HS, Blanchester HS, East Clinton HS, Laurel Oaks, Christian Academy, Virtual/other e-learning institution, or home-schooled affiliated with one of the Clinton County schools).
  • Must have already been accepted by an Institution of Higher Learning – college, trade school, vocational school, etc.

Scholarship Amount: One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
Application Deadline: Third Friday in April - April 18, 2025

The scholarship recipient(s) will be notified by the Clinton County Republican Women’s Club by June 1, 2025.

Your Address
Your Address
If 18 years old, are you registered to vote in Clinton County?
Are you registered to vote as a Republican in Clinton County?
Is at least one of them registered to vote as a Republican in Clinton County?
Did at least one of them vote as a Republican in the last Primary election in Clinton County?
Did at least one of them vote as a Republican in the last General election in Clinton County?
University or Institution Address:
University or Institution Address:
The following must be included as part of your application. Applications that are incomplete and/or do not meet the listed qualifications will be automatically disqualified.
Maximum upload size: 52.43MB
Maximum upload size: 52.43MB
Maximum upload size: 52.43MB
Maximum upload size: 52.43MB

Complete answers for the following questions:

Note: Each application will be evaluated for completeness. In the case of a tie, the applicants scoring an equal score may be asked to meet with the scholarship committee for an interview. The ideal candidate will demonstrate an affiliation with Republican ideals and the aptitude for positively impacting his/her community.